Flutter Developer » 2024 Cuentit Technologies

Job description:

Experience: Overall 4 to 5 years with minimum 2 years in Flutter.


  • Design and build advanced applications for Android & iOS.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
  • Unit-test code for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability.
  • Work on bug fixing and improving application performance.
  • Continually discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency.


  • Sound knowledge of Android and iOS application fundamentals. Must have at least 4 years of experience in building mobile applications and minimum 2 years in Flutter.
  • Have an understanding of different architectural patterns (esp. MVC, MVVM, BLOC) and their testability.
  • Should be able to build custom packages in Flutter using the functionalities and APIs already available in native Android and IOS.
  • Must have work experience with Flutter SDK and Dart programming language.
  • Strong knowledge on Flutter widgets like Cupertino for iOS and Material Components for Android.
  • Knowledge on git and continuous integration.
  • Be familiar with REST APIs.
  • General knowledge of Location Services, Maps, and other common Android/IOS libraries.
  • Firebase: Should have experience with Cloud Firestore, Push Notifications, Cloud Functions, and Analytics.
  • Good understanding of Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Flutter.
  • Experience with project setup from scratch (Building network + Data Layers).
  • Should be good at debugging, including identifying memory leaks, performance bottlenecks, and using tools like ADB, proguard.
Job Category: Contract
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Trivandrum
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